This book is a love story about two loves: my first and my other. The first died for me because of His love. The other died but not entirely for me, although he did love me. These men revealed to me, in their own words, their reasons for choosing death; both reasons are challenging for me to embrace.

They both won my heart by pursuing a relationship and patiently waiting for my yes. This was not an easy task since I carefully considered every reason to say no before finally saying yes. I was mindful of the sacrifices my yes required yet unaware of the rich blessings and, equally, the deep pain it would bring.

Both men changed me into the woman I am today. Both saw my flaws, yet neither altered their feelings for me. Being loved unconditionally is a great gift that I haven’t taken lightly, especially since I didn’t experience it until half my life was over. My two loves personally suffered rejection, judgment, temptation, loss, unfairness, and abandonment. One knew His identity, and the other did not. One knew His worth, while the other was unaware

I said yes daily to being faithful to them and forsaking anything above them. I did love one of them more than the other; however, this greater love allowed me to love the other gracefully.

Being loved is terrific; feeling wanted and desired creates belonging. It also causes suffering, at least it did for me. My second love often left me wanting and feeling alone. In contrast, my first love always attended to me and provided for my needs.

So often, fairy-tale books have a happy ending. My two love stories have different endings, one delightful and one tragic. After the tragic ending, I wrote this memoir you are now reading in the latter half of my healing journey. I feel compelled to share my journey with you now… I pray this will enrich your current or future love story and, therefore, your life.